Tuesday, February 19, 2008

Hello everyone!

I've always really loved Shakespeare. Reading his plays, seeing them performed, acting in them... the whole deal. However, I realized the other day that I actually have never sat down and read the whole canon. For that matter, I've never read or seen several of his plays, and most of his poems. That's not very good for someone who considers himself to be a huge Shakespeare fan! So I'm going to be reading the whole shebang over the next few weeks (or however long it takes), and to make things more interesting, I'm going to post my thoughts here as I do it. Hope you enjoy it!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Aaugh! I can't believe I missed one! I shall now comment the heck out of this post so that there won't be a single one devoid of my supreme presence. So, the beginning, huh? Not particularly interesting. But, in response to your past self's last wish there, I certainly have enjoyed the whole blog which is I'm sure why you have written it so well; that is to say, because your past self got this comment before he had written all the rest and was thus inspired to do it all by me telling him how great it was going to be. I love thinking up nonsensical ways to take the credit for everything. What, food? Oh, yeah, I invented that....