Saturday, June 14, 2008

Scheduling craziness

So it happens that after I make a Grand Plan for the next month or so, I look at the calendar for the next month or so and realize that it is actually really busy. Ah well... let's just say that I'll probably be postponing my posting here for maybe about four weeks. If I can sneak anything in, I will, but I simply won't have all that much time free.

In the meantime, feel free to vote early and often (well, not often...) in my new "Favorite History" poll. These have been rather fun in the past, so I figure I might as well finish them up. Don't worry, I'll come up with new poll ideas in the future!


Anonymous said...

Isn't Julius ceasar a history?

Anonymous said...

I mean Julius Ceasar

Bardolator said...

Nope, Julius Caesar is a tragedy, as well as are the other Roman plays. The only plays considered to be "history" plays are the plays concerning English history: King John, Richard II, the Henry IVs, Henry V, the Henry VIs, Richard III, and Henry VIII.